Why Choose SQL Server to Run Your Databases?

By Charles

April 1, 2022

Database, Database Services, Server, SQL, sql server

Why choose SQL Server?

This is an excellent question, as many RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management Systems) are out there.

SQL Server Database Services


The biggest threat to businesses right now is cyber security attacks.

They might be targeted attacks, or your systems might end up as collateral damage, but the risk is real.

According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, SQL Server has had the fewest security vulnerabilities over the past seven years compared to other major database vendors.

That is quite a statement and one that should be taken into account. SQL Server has many security features.

Not all are enabled out of the box, but they are there for qualified and experienced DBAs to help and configure. Like most systems, they are only as secure as they have been configured to be.

Ease of Use

Whilst SQL Server is a feature-rich platform to manage your databases, it is also easy to use.

Its adoption as a platform of choice for most businesses has been for that reason. Everything is completed through SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio).

SSMS is a cut-down version of the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) Visual Studio.

Having all these tools in one place has simplified how we interact with SQL Server.


Being available for free for the Express edition has allowed many IT professionals to learn and become very familiar with the tools and features available.

It allows everyone to use SQL Server for their database requirements at the beginning of their journey.

As needs grow and new feature requirements expand, moving to more advanced features is a very straightforward path.

You can move one edition at a time or straight to Enterprise Edition, making a straightforward upgrade path.

Why choose SQL Server?

SQL server is feature-rich, easy to use, uses familiar tools, and is understood by millions of IT professionals. The list is extensive, and it is a mixture of all these for Digital Samurai.

Overall, in today’s environment of state-sponsored hacking and hacktivism, security plays a big part in our choice.

So what RDBMS are you using?

Have you tried a modern SQL Server version?

Let us know in the comments down below!


About the author

Microsoft Certified SQL Server DBA with over a decades experience including work for large FTSE 250 companies amongst others. The SQL Server stack has been the focus of almost all of my career in IT. I have experience designing, supporting and troubleshooting large Data Platform deployments.

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